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Johnmarshall Reeve, Ph.D.
Johnmarshall Reeve, Ph.D.
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Johnmarshall Reeve is a Professor of Educational Psychology. He received his Ph.D. in General Experimental Psychology from Texas Christian University, his postdoctoral training from the University of Rochester, and was a Professor of Educational Psychology at the University of Iowa and the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. His research interests include all aspects of human motivation, emotion, and affect with a special emphasis on the teacher-student relationship. He is the author of three books, including 'Understanding Motivation and Emotion' that is in its 6th edition and translated in several different languages across the world. He has received the ‘Thomas N. Urban Research Award for Outstanding Research Paper’ and served as Chair of the Motivation in Education SIG associated with AERA. He currently serves as Editor for Motivation and Emotion and on the editorial board of Contemporary Educational Psychology.


Postdoctoral Research in Psychology, University of Rochester, Research program with Edward Deci and Richard Ryan's human motivation group, 1992
Ph.D. in Psychology, Texas Christian University, 1986
M.A. in Psychology, Texas Christian University, 1985
B.A. in Psychology, Tennessee Technological University, 1982


Professor of Educational Psychology, Department of Education, Korea University, 2009-present
Professor, Department of Educational Psychology, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, 2008-2009
Professor, Department of Educational Psychology, University of Iowa, 1998-2008
Professor, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, 1992-1998
Assistant Professor, Ithaca College, 1987-1990

Representative Publication

Reeve, J. (2009). Why teachers adopt a controlling motivating style toward students and how they can become more autonomy supportive. Educational Psychologist, 44, 159-178.
Reeve, J., Jang, H., Carrell, D., Jeon, S., & Barch, J. (2004). Enhancing high school students’ engagement by increasing their teachers’ autonomy support. Motivation and Emotion, 28, 147-169.
Reeve, J., Nix, G., & Hamm, D. (2003). The experience of self-determination in intrinsic motivation and the conundrum of choice. Journal of Educational Psychology, 95, 375-392.
Jang, H., Reeve, J., Ryan, R. M., & Kim, A. (2009). Can self-determination theory explain what underlies the productive, satisfying learning experiences of collectivistically-oriented South Korean adolescents? Journal of Educational Psychology, 101, 644-661.
Reeve, J., & Jang, H. (2006). What teachers say and do to support students’ autonomy during learning activities. Journal of Educational Psychology, 98, 209-218.