Educational Psychology |
EDU 632 |
Personality and Individual Differences |
3 |
Analysis and discussion of personality theories by examining factors affecting personality formation, development of individual differences, and the application of personality theories to the fields of education. Maladjustments and emotional problems in childhood and youth are systematically studied in terms of personality theories. |
EDU 672 |
Motivational Science |
3 |
Students examine representative indexes of motivation such as achievement goals, interest, self-efficacy, and task value and discuss the nature, strengths, directions, and improvability of motivational influences on learning. |
EDU 673 |
Cognitive Science Foundations of Learning and motivation |
3 |
This course provides cognitive science accounts of human learning, memory, and motivation processes and a forum to discuss the applicability of the cognitive science to the design of efficient learning environment. |
EDU 678 |
Research in Student Development |
3 |
Research-based overview of the developmental phenomena most important to school-aged children and adolescents. The course emphasizes cognitive and socio-emotional development. |
EDU 692 |
Research in Learning and Instruction |
3 |
Students master major concepts, theories, and models of learning and instruction through critical analyses of empirical articles on the processes and methods of learning and instruction. |
EDU 716 |
Analysis of Psychosocial Learning Environment |
3 |
Students analyze diverse social and psychological variables that wield critical influence on motivation and achievement in school and devise effective methods and strategies for designing adaptive learning environments. |
EDU 762 |
Current Issues in Human Motivation I |
3 |
This course is intended to identify and resolve new issues in the field of motivation on the basis of intensive review of major theories of human motivation. |
EDU 811 |
Seminar I in Educational Psychology |
3 |
Discussions of the phenomena, theories, and empirical findings most central to educational psychology. Emphasis is on understanding and depth of knowledge. |
EDU 828 |
Current Issues in Human Motivation II |
3 |
This course is intended to propose a new theory of motivation by integrating current issues in the field of human motivation. |
EDU 896 |
Motivational and Emotional Development |
3 |
This course focuses on the development of motivation and emotion, largely over the school years but also over the life course and across domains as well |
EDU 897 |
Theories of Intelligence and Creativity |
3 |
Examining major theories of intelligence and creativity, and understanding the nature and variations of intelligence and creativity to effect individual differences of learner. |
EDU 899 |
Seminar I in Educational Psychology Research Methods |
3 |
Discussions and applications of research methods central to the empirical study of educational psychology. Emphasis is on both methodological and statistical procedures and techniques. |
EDU 929 |
Seminar II in Educational Psychology |
3 |
Discussions of the phenomena, theories, and empirical findings most central to educational psychology. The course has a dual emphasis on advancing both depth of knowledge and your personal program of research. |
EDU 951 |
Neuro-Educational Research on Emotion and Motivation |
3 |
In this course, students familiarize themselves with major theories and findings on neuroscientific bases of emotion and motivation and discuss potential implications of brain-based research for school learning. |
EDU 955 |
Seminar II in Educational Psychology Research Methods |
3 |
Discussions and applications of research methods central to the empirical study of educational psychology. Emphasis is on developing expertise in the research methods needed to address and advance your personal program of research. |
EDU 957 |
Writing to Publish in Educational Psychology I |
3 |
Students with a solid knowledge base in educational psychology and advanced statistics develop basic skills in scholarly writing. Students must receive permission of the instructor in advance to enroll in this course. |
EDU 959 |
Writing to Publish in Educational Psychology II |
3 |
Students with a draft of their own research paper practice logical and persuasive writing for academic journals. Students must receive permission of the instructor in advance to enroll in this course. |
Educational Measurement and Statistics |
EDU 636 |
Analysis of Variance & Regression |
3 |
This course covers essential topics in ANOVA and regression including independent sample designs, repeated design, interaction in ANOVA, multiple regression, variable selection method, dummy and effect coding, ANCOVA, moderation and mediation models. SPSS lab sessions will be provided. |
EDU 680 |
Meta Analysis |
3 |
Effect sizes will be computed from various statistical results and combined using fixed-effect and random-effect models. |
EDU 681 |
Structural Equation Modeling |
3 |
This course covers theory and methods of testing models of covariance structures, model development, parameter estimation, goodness of fit, model modification, model comparison procedure, and the use of computer programs such as AMOS. |
EDU 691 |
Categorical Data Analysis |
3 |
Generalized Linear Models will be covered for analyzing dichotomous, polytomous, ordinal, and count variable. |
EDU 694 |
Educational Statistics Theories |
3 |
Fundamental theories including logics of hypothesis testing and estimation methods will be covered for understanding educational statistics. |
EDU 752 |
Multilevel Analysis |
3 |
The purpose of this course is to learn the basic concepts and the theories of multilevel models. A typical example of multilevel data is a data structure where individuals are nested within groups. Using this method, an interaction between individuals and groups can be studied. |
EDU 753 |
Longitudinal Study Methodology |
3 |
In this couse, students can learn methods of estimating individual change trajectories and testing correlates of the change patterns. Multilevel models and latent growth models will be covered. |
EDU 754 |
Generalizability Theory and Multifacet Models |
3 |
Methods for minimizing rater effects and controlling for rater bias will be introduced using Generalizability Theory and Multifacet Models. |
EDU 755 |
Network Analysis for Education Research |
3 |
Adolescents' psychological status and behaviors will be understood on the basis of social network analysis. |
EDU 757 |
Multivariate Analysis |
3 |
Multivariate techniques such as MANOVA, cluster analysis, discriminant anaysis, multidimensional scaling will be covered. |
EDU 880 |
Advanced Statistic Methods in Education |
3 |
Examination of conceptual, substantive, and methodological issues in inferential statistics. |
EDU 871 |
Item Response Theory |
3 |
Item response theory, applications to educational achievement tests, item bias, test information, test equating, computerized adaptive testing. |
EDU 872 |
Psychological Measurement Theories |
3 |
Study of measurement theory as applied to testing, focusing on classical test theory; implications of theories for test construction and selection; validity and reliability theory. |
EDU 824 |
Educational Measurement & Statistics Seminar |
3 |
New theories in the fields of educational measurement and statistics will be covered. |
EDU 889 |
Seminar in Contemporary Educational Statistics Theories |
3 |
Recent theories in educational statistics will be covered. |
EDU 969 |
Seminar in Contemporary Educational Measurement Theories |
3 |
Recent theories in educational measurement will be covered. |
Counseling |
EDU 519 |
Counseling Techniques |
3 |
Introduction to basic counseling techniques and skills common to multiple theoretical perspectives. |
EDU 601 |
Counseling Children and Adolescents |
3 |
This course is designed to provide students with the awareness, understanding, practical and theoretical methods and skills to build basic competency in counseling children and adolescents with specific developmental, social, and behavioral issues in a variety of settings. |
EDU 604 |
Career Counseling and Development |
3 |
Introduction to theories of career development and counseling, including the use of
occupational information sources and career assessment tools and techniques. This course is also designed to learn systematic procedures in career counseling utilizing both clinical and interview data in assisting children, adolescents, and adults in vocational planning. |
EDU 682 |
Individual Appraisals |
3 |
This course is designed to explore concepts, methods, and procedures utilized in individual and group approaches to assessment and evaluation. |
EDU 683 |
Global Studies in Education and Counseling |
3 |
This course is designed to provide the students the awareness, atttitudes, practical skills to increase understanding on the effects of globalization on pedagogical theory and practices in education and counseling fields. |
EDU 684 |
Crisis Intervention and Counseling |
3 |
This course is designed to provide both the theory and skills necessary for successful counseling interventions in crisis situations. |
EDU 732 |
Seminar in School Counseling |
3 |
This seminar involves acquiring a knowledge and understanding of the major research findings in school counseling. |
EDU 733 |
Group Counseling |
3 |
Therapeutic and other theoretical information is presented regaormat group process and the counselor's role in that process. In forer to be productive group counselors in their future careers, students will learn knowledge and skills in group counseling process. |
EDU 734 |
Internship in Educational Settings |
3 |
Experience at a designated and approved internship site. Through individual and group supervision, interns will be able to critique and analyze specific cases and models of counseling. |
EDU 736 |
Consultation Theory & Methods |
3 |
Introduction to consultation theory and methods. Student will identify significant approaches to consultation and develop consultation skills through role-play consulting experiences. |
EDU 759 |
Advanced Counseling Theory |
3 |
Critical analysis of advanced theory in counseling, including counseling strategies for dealing with affective, cognitive and behavioral dysfunction. |
EDU 764 |
Advanced Individual Appraisals |
3 |
This course is designed to provide advanced knowledge and experience with those psychometric factors and procedures used in conducting counseling related assessment. |
EDU 853 |
Practicum in Educational Settings |
3 |
Experience at a designated and approved practicum sites. Through individual and group supervision, practicum students will be able to critique and analyze specific cases and models in educational settings. |
EDU 854 |
Advanced Research Methods in Counseling |
3 |
This course is designed to familiarize the student with basic and applied research, program evaluation and associated measurement and evaluation skills that are crucial for all counseling professionals. |
EDU 859 |
Supervision of Counselors |
3 |
Study modules on supervision of counselors in emphasis with cases, and how it can be applied in fields. That is, students will discuss on counselor's philosophical supposition, its application and how it can be applied in field. |
EDU 971 |
Case Management and Conceptualization |
3 |
This course is designed to examine and become confident in the conceptualization and treatment planning of counseling cases and to understand the transition from theory to practice in the counseling fields. |