- Chung, Yoonkyoung
- Ph.D. Program in Educational Psychology
- E-mail: patty101@hanmail.net
- Research Interests:
- Understanding of the motivations and emotions of learners in achievement situations through functional MRI studies.
- Understanding the development and transition of learning motivations reflected by the learners’ individual differences.
- Proposal of concrete learning guidelines on the basis of generation and maintenance of learning motivations.
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- Lee, Sun-Young
- Ph.D. Program in Educational Psychology
- E-mail: ines78@korea.ac.kr
- Research Interests:
- Design and application of differentiated learning environment based on learners' cognition, motivation and emotion
- Clarifying the relationships with various social circumstances that would include parents, teacher, peer and school setting
- Based on fMRI, investigating multiple facts which could induce and maintain of learners' interest
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- Kwon, Soon Koo
- Ph.D. Program in Educational Psychology
- E-mail: soongoo@hanmail.net
- Research Interests:
- Interest as a main component for enhance and maintain of learner's interest
- Understanding and application of diverse effects of feedback
- Effect and influence of level of anxiety in academic environment
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- Ahn, Hyun Seon
- Ph.D. Program in Educational Psychology
- E-mail: iris_ahn@korea.ac.kr
- Research Interests:
- My research interests lie predominately in social cognition and motivation.
- My interests particularly lie with the self, cognitive strategy use, and multiculturalism in learning.
- My current focus is on how individuals perceived their abilities and how these relate with achievements.
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- Lee, Minhye
- Ph.D. Program in Educational Psychology
- E-mail: gasifish@gmail.com
- Research Interests:
- Achievement goal : Figure out a new direction of achievement goals which can reflect students’ real goals.
- Learning environment: Examine influence of learning environments on students’ motivation.
- Multidisciplinary research: Employ various methods and designs from surveys to fMRI.
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- Lee, Sun Kyung
- Ph.D. Program in Educational Psychology
- E-mail: dltjsrud18@korea.ac.kr
- Research Interests:
- Neuro-education: underlying neural mechanism of motivation processes and goal-directed behaviors.
- Competence, value, and interest: investigating the dynamic relations among critical motivational variables to promote students’ academic engagement and achievement.
- Effects of context: proving the specific characteristics of learning contexts that facilitate students’ academic-related motivation and performance.
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- Lee, Jeesoo
- Ph.D. Program in Educational Psychology
- E-mail: heartsease0704@gmail.com
- Research Interests:
- Study of value: Types, definitions, developmental processes, and scale development
- Relationship between motivation, self-views, and achievement-related behaviors
- Study of motivational dispositions as an individual difference variable
- Value-based decision-making process
- Study of motivation using mixed approaches: Surveys, experiments, and neuroimaging
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- Shin, Da-Jung
- Ph.D. Program in Educational Psychology
- E-mail: letsgodiane@gmail.com
- Research Interests:
- Explore creativity, motivation, and gifted children using neuroeducational approach
- Derive different learning strategies for normal and underachievers from the results of neuroeducational researches
- Investigate the effects of environmental factors on children's brain and cognitive development and search for educational implications
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- Noh, Arum
- Ph.D. Program in Educational Psychology
- E-mail: beautifulno@hanmail.net
- Research Interests:
- The relationship between self-regulation and cognition, motivation, behavioral variables
- Affect of social factors(teachers & parents)on students' learning and motivation
- Buffer role of learning environment and evaluation from harmful effect
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- Back, Sun Hee
- Ph.D. Program in Educational Psychology (currently on leave)
- E-mail: shinybox@naver.com
- Research Interests:
- Understand the impact of motivation on achievement, and happiness
- Investigate the effect of individual and environmental factors to develop motivation
- Clarify the concept and effect of motivational factors such as achievement goal and SDT
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- Hwang, Arum
- Ph.D. Program in Educational Psychology (currently on leave)
- E-mail: warumw@korea.ac.kr
- Research Interests:
- Impacts of parent-child relationship and teaching style on students' motivation and their academic and social behaviors
- Essential components to develop interests from situational interests to individual interests
- Investigate my research topics by using various methods such as surveys, experiments, and brain research
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- Shin, Jiyoun
- Ph.D. Program in Educational Psychology (currently on leave)
- E-mail: shinjy82@korea.ac.kr
- Research Interests:
- My work focuses on the self, motivation, and social context.
- By investigating the complexity of individuals' beliefs and behaviors, I hopefully propose the way to enhance the quality of students' academic life.
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- Kim, Hye Jin
- Ph.D. Program in Educational Psychology (currently on leave)
- E-mail: anna_hjk@naver.com
- Research Interests:
- Role of motivation in learning and interaction among personality, learning environments, and social context.
- Role of emotion and cognition in students' motivation.
- Neural mechanism underlying students' motivation and emotion.
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- Lee, Hyun Ji
- M.A. Program in Educational Psychology
- E-mail: hyunjilee07@gmail.com
- Research Interests:
- Effects of past educational environment and present learning contexts on learners’ motivation and use of cognitive and emotional strategies
- Study of motivation using neuro-educational approaches
- Relationship between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation
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- Lee, Glona
- M.A. Program in Educational Psychology
- E-mail: glonalee.111@gmail.com
- Research Interests:
- Neuroeducation and motivation
- Social influence on students’ motivational development
- Cultural differences in motivation and promoted motivational strategies
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