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bMRI Distinguished Lecture Series

Andrew Elliot//Mimi Bong/Avi Kaplan_bMRI Distinguished Lecture Series 6

Admin 2012.03.07



Motivational Science and Education: Revisiting Goals, Competence and Interests제 3회 BK 21 국제 심포지엄


Andrew Elliot 교수
미국 로체스터대학교 

발표제목: Approach and Avoidance Achievement Goals: Conceptualization and Measurement Issues

봉미미 교수

발표제목: Academic Motivation from Childhood to Early Adolescence

Avi Kaplan 교수
이스라엘 벤구리온대학교

발표제목: Exploration as an Integrative Motivational Concept

날짜: 2008ë…„ 10ì›” 10일 
시간: 12.30pm - 6.30pm
장소: 고려대학교 삼성백주년기념관 국제원격회의실