두뇌동기연구소 신경교육학 연구분야 미래 선두주자의 양성소

bMRI 동기심포지엄 동기에 관한 최신 연구결과 논의를 위한 연례 국제 학술포럼

대한민국에서 세계로, 세계에서 대한민국으로 세계를 향한 연구결과의 적극적 보급

국제 학술커뮤니티 구성원으로서의 bMRI 주요 국제학술대회 포스터세션 발표

도전을 향한 외침 호랑이들이여, 포효하라! bMRI 대원들이여, 날아올라라!

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  • OCT19
    2015 bMRI 동기 국제 심포..
    YOU ARE INVITED! You are cordially invited to the 2015 bMRI Symposium on Motivation, hosted by the BK21+ Project Group of Edu-hub in Asia and organized by the Brain and Motivation Research Institute (bMRI) of Korea University. At this year’s symposium, three internationally renowned motivation researchers will deliver their keynote addresses on “Identity, Self-Efficacy, and Goals in Adolescent Motivation.” The symposium will ..
    bMRI 해외석학강연 시리..
    Non-Cognitive Development Around the World Prof. Jihyun Lee School of Education University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia Date: September 4th, Friday Time: 3:00pm - 4:00pm Venue: #327 College of Education Building #2, Korea University
    고려대학교 두뇌동기ì—..
     ê³ ë ¤ëŒ€í•™êµ 두뇌동기연구소 연구교수 채용 공고 고려대학교 두뇌동기연구소(Brain and Motivation Research Institute: bMRI)는 한국연구재단의 대학중점연구소 지원사업에 선정된 연구소로, ‘동기 증진ㆍ저하의 개인차 및 맥락변인 탐색을 위한 융합연구’를 수행하고 있습니다. 두뇌동기연구소에서 동기에 관한 학제간 융합연구에 참여할 연구교수를 다ì..
    2014 bMRI 동기 국제 심포..
    YOU ARE INVITED! You are cordially invited to the 2014 bMRI Symposium on Motivation, hosted by the BK21+ Project Group of Edu-hub in Asia and organized by the Brain and Motivation Research Institute (bMRI) of Korea University. At this year’s symposium, three internationally renowned motivation researchers will deliver their keynote addresses on “Motivation and Engagement in Context: School, Family, and Peers.” The symposium will be held on No..
  • MAY22
    bMRI 해외석학강연 시리..
    Current Research From the fredrickson Center for School Counseling Outcome Research Prof. John Carey Department of Student Development, University of Massachusetts Date: May 30th, Friday Time: 12:00pm - 1:30pm Venue: #201 Uncho-Useon Hall, Korea University
    2014 한국교육심리학회 ..
      2014 KEPA Conference - The 1st Conference Date: January 25, 2014 Time: 13:00-17:45 Venue: #201, 202, 203, 204 Uncho-Useon Hall, Korea Univeristy  Hosted by Korean Educational Psychology Association, and bMRI(Brain and Motivation Research Institute)   
    bMRI 해외석학강연 시리..
    Effects of Cooperation and Conflict on Achievement, Peer Relations, and Motivation: Meta-analytic and Primary Research Findings Prof. Cary Roseth Department of Counseling, Educational Psychology, and Special Education Michgan State University Date: 2013 November 5th, Tuesday Time: 5:00pm-6:30pm Venue: #102, Uncho-Useon Education Building, Korea University
    bMRI 해외석학강연 시리..
      Belief Revision and Conceptual Change     Prof. Stellan Ohlsson Department of Psychology, University of Illinois at Chicago     Date: October 18th, Friday Time: 1.30pm – 3.30pm Venue: #202, Uncho-Useon Hall, Korea University
  • JUL10
    bMRI 세미나 시리즈 5: ë°..
    bMRI Seminar Series 5 Speaker : Prof. Ja-Hyun Baik Molecular Neurobiology Laboratory College of Life Science and Biotechnology Korea University   Title: Dopaminergic Transmission and Behavior Date&Time : 3-5pm, July 25, Thursday  Venue : #103, Uncho-useon Hall, Korea University   Brain & Motivation Research Institute (bMRI) WCU Interdisciplinary Consolidation of Motivation and Emotion Research&nb..
    2013 bMRI 동기 국제심포ì..
     INVITATION    You are invited to the 2013 bMRI Symposium on Motivation, hosted and organized by the WCU Project Group and Brain and Motivation Research Institute (bMRI) of Korea University. At this year’s symposium, three internationally renowned scholars in the field of neuroeducation will deliver their keynote addresses on “Emergence of Neuroeducation” Booklets containing the PowerPoint slides from each speaker’s presentation will b..
    bMRI 세미나 시리즈 4: Ko..
    bMRI Seminar Series 4 Speaker : Dr. Kou Murayama         Department of Psychology         University of California, Los Angeles Title: A multimethod approach to understanding the critical roles of motivation and learning strategies in education Date&Time : 3.30-4.45pm, 5.00-5.50pm, September 24th Monday Venue : #303, #202 Uncho-useon Hall, Korea University   Brain &am..
    2012 한국교육심리학회 ..
    2012 KEPA Annual Conference  Date: September 21, 2012 Time: 13:00-18:00 Venu: Global Conference Hall, Samsung , Centennial Memorial Samsung Hall, Korea Univeristy Hosted by Korean Educational Psychology Association, and bMRI(Brain and Motivation Research Institute)  

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